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Spoken English


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This course is For kids of age 5 to any

It is a must-have English language course for complete beginners in English, who want to reach the intermediate level of spoken English language in the shortest time possible.  

Speaking part:
1.Debate skills
2.Types of speeches(welcome speech, graduation speech, declamatin, description speech etc)
3.story telling
4.riddle and joke formation
5.treash and treasure talk
6. Dialogue delivery/writing
7.Ted talks
8.trash and tresure talk
9.personal narrative
10.Role play
11.Basics of grammar
Usage of adjective and it’s degree
12.usage of adverb
14.tenses (situation and verb)
15.modal verb and it’s usage
16.creative writingwriting
17.figurative language and litral language..
18 . Vocabulary (synonym, antonym, Homophone)
19.riddle making
20.Explanation text
21.interview questions
22. Interogative

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